
Owner: Patrick Muller

Pet Name: Mully (instagram: @mullythewheaten)

Breed of Pet: Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier

Age: 11 months

What do you love most about your dog: She follows us EVERYWHERE. She always wants to know what’s going on and this is what makes her part of the family. She’s the town spy and keeps an eye from her window bench for hours making sure the local scene is safe. Oh, and her uncanny ability to know when we open up a jar of peanut butter. Remarkable.

Any sports or rehab activities you do with your pet: ball toss, bone toss, squeaky toy toss etc. She gets the ‘zoomies’, too ,where she just rapidly runs around the house, jumping up on the couch and bouncing off of the chairs.

Brief pet owner bio (school, setting, years of practice, areas of interest/specialty, hobbies): I attended the University of Pittsburgh for undergraduate and Temple University for PT school. I am currently in my 5th year out of school and I have practiced in pretty much every setting except pediatrics since graduating. As of now, I work in home health and find it pretty satisfying. My areas of interest include the TMJ and treating TMD and would eventually like to start a niche mobile business in this area. I also enjoy powerlifting, eating, antiques, making people laugh and listening to and following the band Phish.

Contact: instagram @drpatrickmuller, facebook: Dr. Patrick Muller PT, DPT, Cert. TMM

editors note: I apologize for the lack of original content for the last couple of weeks but I am planning on getting back to it this week, it has been really busy with some family events in the last few weeks. Also, if you also want to be featured please contact me at
