
Owner Name: Will Butler

Pet Name: Winn-Dixie

Breed of Pet: Cockalier

Age: 2.5

What do you love most about your dog: A tie between, when those ears perk up and the head cocks sideways OR she anxiously marches in place waiting to get petted.

Any sports or rehab activities you do with your pet: Sprint training and change of direction drills courtesy of a laser pointer.

Brief pet owner bio (school, setting, years of practice, areas of interest/specialty, hobbies): I went to the University of St. Augustine, worked in Outpatient briefly. Currently, I put patient care on hold and embarked (#wordplay) on building a financial planning practice focused on clinicians and their families. My professional interests include: educating and advocating for healthcare professionals through personal financial literacy. My specialties, mitigating financial confusion and aiding in student debt management. My personal interests/hobbies include: lifting weights, eating, and telling bad jokes.

Contact: Twitter @simplywillb, Email: William.Butler@nm.com

If you want to be featured in the future along with your pet please email thek9pt@gmail.com and we will make it work. I am looking to make this segment a weekly feature for us to have in addition to the weekly posts.
