Today’s post is not so much of a post as it is maybe a small therapy session for me. Last week marked one year when I switched to working full-time with animals, although my journey with it started over 2 years ago when I started the certification process. It has been a tremendous year to me both professionally and personally, and although I always enjoyed (and still do as PRN) working with humans I know now that canine PT is my calling. Unfortunately, last week I was reminded of one of the very few things I hate about canine rehab: patients often die. That happens fairly often but last week was a tough one because I lost 3 patients in the same week, including one that I had been seen for nearly a year when I started canine PT. The bond we create with the patients and their owners is tremendous, a stronger bond than I ever had while working in human PT. That is not a criticism of my human patients as I developed some very good friendships through it, but it is different when you see your canine patient across the waiting room hardly containing themselves with excitement to see you. It is almost as like arriving home from work and your pet goes crazy of how excited they are, but I get to experience that multiple times a day. It is a wonderful feeling but it also hits harder when you lose that patient.

Thanks for reading through this short post. I tried to write about other topics for this week but I couldn’t focus on it. The feedback I have been getting with TheK9PT has been great and I can’t believe the amount of followers I have been getting on facebook and twitter. Stay tuned for some updates and new features with the website.

