I think that as physical therapists we are all anatomy geeks to a certain degree. That was one of my favorite classes in PT school, and to this day I always enjoy watching videos and graphics of how our body functions during movement. That is why after watching this video last week I knew I had to post it as a follow-up to my post on analyzing the canine gait. The video is a little long and unfortunately it doesn’t have a description of what kind of gait we are watching, but it does go through the different styles of gait mentioned on my previous post. Also, it reminded something that I forgot to mention as well before: how gait can vary greatly between different breeds, which is another factor making the canine gait even more complex when compared to humans.

I hope you all enjoy this video as much as I did. Can you tell apart between the different types of gait? Any possible deviations (hint: it is not a perfect gait)? I would love to get some discussion going on the comments section.
